P005Choreography, ResearchAfrican Terminal

African Terminal is where new locals from Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria and artists and researchers from Hamburg organize sea-trade between Hamburg and West Africa with used goods. The Terminal operates as a business school in which we learn more about maritime logistics by artistically intervening into the business field of used goods logistics in the port of Hamburg.

The African Terminal connects Hamburg and Lagos (Nigeria), Tema (Ghana), and Banjul (Gambia), the countries of origin of most of our members. Thereby, the African Terminal uses the expertise of people who have recently arrived in Hamburg. In the African Terminal, it's the people who trade and act together, not big corporations or established businesses. Taking a cue from the West African traders, the African Terminal seeks to build suppy chains that include cultural platforms, donated goods, postcolonial debate, ports, customs and shipping, and networks of trust that enable transnational cooperation and money flow.

Learning by doing, the African Terminal researches the joy and the pain of the supply chain - exploring both how to actually send things to Africa and the supply chain as one of the most important current logistics concepts. Embodying the supply chain, the African Terminal explores the limits of the concept and asks how the movement of things and of people are connected.

African Terminal is a cultural initiative / initiated by geheimagentur within the frame of Theater der Welt 2017 in Hamburg and Kampnagel Summer Festival 2017 / funded by  Elbkulturfonds of the Ministry for Culture and Media of the city of Hamburg, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung / part of ‘Mobile Welten’ exhibition at Museum of Arts and Crafts, Hamburg in 2019

Visit the website of the project here
Listen to the soundwalk Future Floorplan here