P001Choreography, Performance, ResearchJakob K.

Jakob K. is long term series focussing on reconstructing the artistic practice of fictive choreographer Jakob Klenke: 

Jakob K. / Eins (2014) dedicates itselves to Klenke's early creative period (1902-1917): his legendary choreography ‘Le Système’ from 1902 and the Klenke technique form the basis of his work. The focus here is on the form of the infinity loop, which serves as the basis for the movement material of the choreography and the Klenke technique. Klenke achieved early fame in Paris, where he had a love affair with Loïe Fuller and met Schönberg and the biologist Jakob von Uexküll.

Jakob K. / Der Neue Mensch (2018) reconstructs a performance under the name of Der Neue Mensch, conceived in 1927 by gymnastics teacher and choreographer Jakob Klenke during his short activity at the Bauhaus in Dessau. Klenke’s movement practice has hitherto been underexposed in Bauhaus historiography. This partially stems from the fact that he has always found himself in the shadow of his friend and colleague Oskar Schlemmer, the master of the Bauhaus stage, but mainly from the fact that traces of his work are sparse and scattered.

Jakob K. / Farben (2019) is about Klenke’s late work in Hamburg, mostly in collaboration with Karl Schneider and Margit Kahl. It also takes the form of a larger retrospective of Klenke’s practice. 

Jakob K. / Eins (2014)
Artistic Co-Direction: Heike Bröckerhoff, Moritz Frischkorn, Jonas Woltemate

Premiere on Oct 24, 2014 in the frame of DanceKiosk Hamburg 2014 / in collaboration with Work Space Brussels 

Jakob K. / Der Neue Mensch (2018)
Artistic Co-Direction: Heike Bröckerhoff, Moritz Frischkorn, Jonas Woltemate / Dramaturgy, Artistic Collaboration: Livia Piazza / Stage, Artistic Collaboration: Mara Kanthak, Thomas Pearce / Light Design: Sergio Pessanha / Costume: Gloria Brillowska / Press, Production: Christine Grosche

Premiere at Kampnagel, Hamburg on May 3, 2018 / funded by the Ministry for Culture and Media, Hamburg, Hamburgische Kulturstifung and Fond Darstellende Künste e.V. 

Jakob K. / Farben
Artistic Co-Direction: Heike Bröckerhoff, Moritz Frischkorn, Mara Kanthak, Thomas Pearce und Jonas Woltemate 

Performances at Kraftwerk Bille, Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Archipel et al. in the frame of Hamburger Architektursommers 2019 an Bauhaus 100 / in cooperation with the ministry for urban development and living of the city of Hamburg / supported by the ministry for environment and energy of the city of Hamburg / in collaboration with Probebühne im Gängeviertel